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Privacy policy



Good Car Rental Privacy Policy

Welcome to Good Car Rental Website

Welcome to "Good Car Rental Website" (hereinafter referred to as this website). To ensure that you can safely use all services and information on this website, we hereby explain the privacy protection policy of this website to protect your rights. Please read the following content carefully:

Scope of Privacy Protection Policy

The content of the privacy protection policy includes how this website handles personally identifiable information collected when you use the services of this website. The privacy protection policy does not apply to related linked websites outside of this website, nor does it apply to personnel who are not entrusted or involved in the management of this website.

External Links to the Website

The web pages of this website provide internet links to other websites. You can also click on links provided by this website to enter other websites. However, the linked websites do not apply to the privacy protection policy of this website, and you must refer to the privacy protection policy in the linked websites.

Use of Cookies

To provide you with the best service, this website may place and access our cookies on your computer. If you do not wish to accept the writing of cookies, you can set the privacy level to high in the function options of your browser to refuse the writing of cookies, but it may lead to certain functions of the website not being executed properly.

Collection and Use of Data

To provide you with the best interactive services on this website, you may be asked to provide relevant personal information within the following scope when you register for an account, participate in online activities, or use interactive features such as service mailboxes and contact us:

This website will retain the information you provide, such as name, gender, age, date of birth, phone number, communication address, home address, email address, etc., when you use interactive functions such as service mailboxes and contact us.

Unless with your consent or under special provisions of other laws, this website will never disclose your personal information to third parties or use it for purposes other than collection.

However, this website will provide personal information as required by law enforcement agencies or for public safety purposes. In such cases, this website shall not bear any responsibility for any disclosure.

Amendments to Privacy Protection Policy

The privacy protection policy of this website will be revised as needed, and the revised terms will be posted on the website.

Access and Deletion of Data

Members can view the authorized name and email information in the member account on the website at any time, which is only used as the content of the store member and order information.

According to the request of the individual, the store can request to delete or stop using the personal data through the contact us channel at the bottom of the website.

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